
Colt CZ Group SE

Share Information

No. of issued shares


Nominal value (CZK) 0.1
Ticker Ticker Xetra® CZG
ISIN CZ0009008942
Bloomberg ticker CZG CP Equity
Reuters ticker CZG.PR





List of analyst coverage


Broker Analyst Recommendation Target price in CZK Last update
Česká spořitelna/Erste Petr Bartek ACCUMULATE 613 3 October 2022
FIO Jan Raška ACCUMULATE 698 15 January 2024
J&T Banka Pavel Ryska BUY 865 30 March 2022
Komerční banka Bob Trampota BUY 921 9 February 2024
Wood & Company Atinc Ozkan  BUY 719 10 May 2022
Colt CZ Group SE is followed by the analysts listed above. Please be advised that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Colt CZ Group SE’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, estimates or forecasts of Colt CZ Group SE or its management. Colt CZ Group SE does not by its reference to the list above imply its endorsement of or concurrence with any such information, conclusions or recommendations as may be provided or made by such analysts. The list above includes analysts currently known by Colt CZ Group SE to follow the company, but may not be complete and may change as firms add or delete coverage. Colt CZ Group SE undertakes no obligation to update this list and does not distribute information or reports prepared by analysts. The coverage list doesn´t represent recommendation to buy or sell Colt CZ Group SE’s shares.